American Design Network

How to choose the right type of website for your business?

One of the most common questions that I get from my clients as a digital business consultant is: “We need a website, but we don’t know which kind”. This is a very important decision, as your website is your online identity and your main marketing tool. Therefore, I decided to write this blog post to guide you through the two most common types of websites for business: informative and e-commerce. By the end of this post, you will have a clear idea of which type of website suits your business and niche.

An informative website is a website that provides information about a business and its products or services. It is usually used by service-based businesses, such as consultants, lawyers, accountants, or coaches, who want to showcase their expertise, portfolio, testimonials, and contact details. An informative website does not have online transactions or payment features, but it can have forms, calendars, or chatbots to generate leads or appointments.

An e-commerce website is a website that allows customers to buy products or services directly from a business, regardless of their location or time. It is usually used by product-based businesses, such as retailers, wholesalers, or manufacturers, who want to sell their goods online and reach a wider market. An e-commerce website has online shopping carts, checkout pages, payment gateways, and shipping options, as well as product catalogs, reviews, and ratings.

The cost of designing a website depends on many factors, such as the size, complexity, functionality, and quality of the website. However, here are some average price ranges for different types of websites:

I hope this post helps you understand the difference between informative and e-commerce websites, and the factors that affect their cost. If you need more help with designing your website, please contact us at American Design Network. We are a team of experts who can create a stunning and functional website for your business, according to your budget and needs.

Jennifer Rogers

Owner of American Design Network

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